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Occupational Therapy

Fine Motor Skills – Focusing on smaller muscles allows your child to control detailed movements. These movements require the use of smaller muscles of the body such as the eyes, face, tongue, hands and fingers. Important fine motor skills include smiling, following moving objects with their eyes and picking up small items such as food. These are all necessary skills for early exploration, body awareness, and play. Later these skills will lead to everyday skills such as dressing, grooming, and writing for school.


Feeding Therapy – Feeding therapy assists in helping children develop normal, effective feeding patterns and behaviors. It is more than simply “teaching a child to eat”. Our therapists work closely with each child and their families to determine the source of the child’s difficulties and develop a plan of care specific to that child’s needs.


Sensory Based Therapy – This is an approach to helping children who have difficulties navigating their environments due to overstimulation or under-stimulation of the sensory system. Sensory based therapy utilizes the bodies 5 senses of vision, hearing, taste, touch and smell; as well as two additional “internal” senses of proprioception (body awareness) and vestibular (movement) to create the optimal level of arousal and regulation to allow the child to successfully engage with their environment.

Occupational Therapy Services:

· Fine motor/hand development

· Upper extremity strengthening

· Sensory Integrative Therapy

· Activities of daily living (i.e. feeding, dressing)

· Orthopedic rehabilitation

· Activities directed toward appropriate
developmental milestones